Booking Forms Available Now – New Metro City Gujar Khan Latest Update

Bookings Forms Available Now For New Metro City Gujar Khan

The most awaited day has come. BSM developers today gave the latest update about booking forms of New New Metro City Gujar Khan. BSM Developers is one of the most reputed names in the real estate industry. They always deliver what they committed.

BSM Developers has promised with the early investors that it will provide the booking forms for New Metro City Gujar Khan by July 18th. And as per the commitment, BSM Developers has delivered the booking forms of New Metro City Gujar Khan to the authorized dealers. 

Also Read New Metro City Gujar Khan Early Bird Balloting for A Block Plots

Before this, the booking process was processed on letterheads. However, today BSM developers have updated its investors with the availability of booking forms for New Metro City Gujar Khan. Now booking forms for all sizes of residential plots are available. And the booking will be processed on official booking forms from today. 

Any questions, contact us on WhatsApp for prompt response.

With today’s latest update, now it is clear that the pre-launching ceremony of New Metro City Gujar Khan will be held on July 23rd, 2022. After this pre-launching ceremony, the prices of the property will go high. Now, it’s the right time for the investors waiting for the official booking forms to start booking their plots. 

Also Read New Metro City Gujar khan Installment Plan – Rates Update

For further details and the booking process, you can contact CDB Properties. From Now, we will provide official booking forms for the booking. We hope this new development step will make the booking process more streamlined and efficient. Contact us now!

Email: [email protected]

Contact : 03331115200

Contact : 03331115100

Any questions, contact us on WhatsApp for prompt response.

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